Enrollment Information
and policies
Enrollment: To check class availability and enroll, Create a New Member Account on our Home Page. If you have questions about using our online system please give us a call or use the paper Registration Form found on our Forms page (click here for Forms).
100% Tuition Back Guarantee: We feel that we offer the finest gymnastics programs in the area, however, we also realize that we cannot meet the needs of each child. If after your child’s first 2 classes with All-Star Gymnastics you are not satisfied for any reason, we will reimburse you 100% of the tuition you paid for the session.Family Membership Fee: The annual non-refundable Membership Fee of $45.00 per family is due upon your first registration of each season (Sept – June). This fee remains the same regardless of the number of immediate family members involved in the class programs offered at All-Star Gymnastics Center. The Membership Fee defrays administration expenses & insurance costs and entitles you to discounts for siblings, multiple classes & Birthday Parties.
Tuition Due Date: Tuition payment is due upon your first class registration for each new season (Sept-Aug) Once registered in a class, payment is due 2 weeks prior to the start of the next session (Sessions 1-4). Please notify the office if your child does not plan to continue in his/her class for the next session. If payment is not received on or before the Tuition Due Date, it will be assumed that your child is not continuing into the next session and his/her class spot is available to be filled with new students from our Waiting List. If you would like to change your child’s Class Day/Time we will make every effort to accommodate you. Please refer to the Tuition Due Date on the Session Calendar posted on the website under the Tab “More Info”. Session 5 is a summer program and that class schedule is available in early May. When enrolling in a Summer class, tuition is due upon registration. Tuition payments can be paid online, by phone, mailed or dropped off in the Office.
10% Sibling Discount: During Sessions I-IV, only one family member pays full price. All other siblings’ tuitions are discounted 10% regardless of the class program. (Discount will be taken on the lesser class tuition.) The 10% Sibling Discount does not apply to Session V (Summer Flexi-Schedule) since these classes include a summer discount.
10% Multiple Class Discount: During Sessions I-IV, if your child would like to enroll in more than 1 class, their 1st class will be billed at full tuition and their 2nd class (regardless of the program) will be discounted 10% (Discount will be taken on the lesser class tuition.) The 10% Multiple Class Discount does not apply to Session V (Summer Flexi-Schedule) since these classes include a summer discount.
On-Going Enrollment: We will prorate your child’s first session tuition if he/she does not start at the beginning of a Session. This allows your child to join a program at any time without having to wait for a new Session to begin.
Returned Check Charge: A charge of $35.00 will be imposed on any check returned by the bank.
Make Up Classes: We are unable to offer make up classes at this time. If later in the season, maximum numbers are lifted for the gym, we will be happy to provide make up classes again.
Snow Day Closings: Every effort will be made to keep the gym open and classes on schedule. Most times we follow the local schools’ closing decisions. Please check with the office at (978) 256-7766 or on our website at www.all-stargymnastics.com to verify whether classes have been canceled due to inclement weather. If classes have been canceled there will be a message on the voice mail and on the Home page of the website 1 hour prior to class start time. There are no Make ups for closure due to weather or circumstances beyond our control. Exceptions to this policy will be made in the event that gym closure occurs on the same class day twice or more in the same Session.
COVID Case or Close Contact:There will not be credit or refunds given nor are makeups available at this time for a missed class due to being diagnosed with COVID or being a Close Contact.
Sick/Covid Policy
Travel Policy: We will follow the Massachusetts Travel Guidelines that are in effect at the time of travel.
Forced Closing: If All-Star Gymnastics is forced to close either by government entity or by reasonable decision made by the owners to protect the safety and well being of our students, their families and/or our staff, the following policy will be in effect:
- No refunds will be given for the time that All-Star is closed.
- Class credit for missed classes will be offered toward a future designated session.
Required Dress Code:
Gymnastics’ Classes: Girls are required to wear a gymnastics’ leotard, either barefoot or beam shoes. For safety reasons, hair must be tied back off their face, no tights or jewelry. Boys are required to wear gym shorts (no buckles or zippers), a tee shirt and either barefoot or white socks.
Trampoline & Tumbling Classes: Girls are required to wear a gymnastics’ leotard and may wear lycra shorts. For safety reasons, hair must be tied back off their face, no tights or jewelry. Boys are required to wear gym shorts (no buckles or zippers), a tee shirt and either barefoot or white socks.
These dress codes have been established for the safety of your child and will be strictly enforced.
Parking: There is parking alongside of our building and in the back lot. Please use caution when entering and exiting the driveway and parking lot and follow the One Way around the building. However, watch for trucks traveling the opposite way in our driveway. Keep speed to a minimum.
For Your Child’s Safety: All children must wait inside for their rides. If you are late picking up your child, you must come into the gym and let the office person or the floor coach know that you are here for your child.
Gum is a Safety Issue! No gum chewing is allowed in the Gym.
Lost & Found: Any article found in the gym or waiting areas will be held for 2 weeks and then disposed of. All-Star Gymnastics is not responsible for lost or stolen articles. Please leave all valuables at home.
Observation/Waiting Room: You are welcome to view your child’s class from the Waiting Room area. Please be considerate of others that are waiting as well. We appreciate your efforts to keep this room clean for your comfort.

Preschool Tumble Stars (ages 1.5 to 5)
Bright Stars (ages 3 to 5)
Star Kids for Girls (ages 5+)
Gym Stars for Boys (ages 6+)
Trampoline & Tumbling (ages 7-10)
Summer Flexi-Schedule (ages 3+)
Competitive Team